Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air pollution includes dust, dirt, or gases in the air inside buildings. It can also include mould, made worse by condensation and a home which may be cold or expensive to heat.


If you live in a rented home with a mould problem that the landlord has not resolved you can contact either your Councils Environmental Health or housing service, or if you live in a Housing Association or Council home, the Housing Ombudsman.


Indoor air quality

If you would like advice about staying warm and well in your home, contact the

Better Housing Better Health service.


Another source of indoor air pollution is Radon.  Some areas of Oxfordshire are
more likely to have Radon in their homes.  


Smoke from cigarettes is also classed as an air pollutant for those family who live in homes where people smoke, it can also affect the health of pets.  If you’re thinking of quitting and would like advice and possible support to increase your chances of success visit Stop for Life Oxfordshire.


If you have a health condition such as asthma or COPD speak to your health care practitioner and make sure you’ve considered possible sources of pollutants.  This checklist might be helpful.